'People who pooh-pooh privacy are like those kids who are so busy getting the right selfie that they back all the way off the edge off the cliff, and then look all surprised on the way down,' says Mitali Saran.
'How you live serves as a much better track record than your timeline,' says Mitali Saran.
'The time has come, my fellow citizens, for us to pause in our selfish little lives, take a breath, and contribute to creating this opportunity for fundamentalists to achieve their full potential,' says Mitali Saran.
'One is trying to be an upright citizen with a fresh-faced liver, in full possession of her faculties, but if ever one has needed a stiff drink, it has been now,' says Mitali Saran.
'We've been unable, or unwilling, to be vigilant about how the government and its proxies are changing the character of India.' 'We have accepted public relations as fact, kept our heads down instead of risking our interests, and allowed militant chauvinism to define love of country,' says Mitali Saran.
Garbh Vigyan Sanskar's logic: Have sex when the right planets are lined up; stop after you get pregnant, notes Mitali Saran.
'Guys, you're going to say, Who cares what the world thinks? We're the best, it is our destiny to lead the world; look, everyone's doing yoga, everything the world has was originally ours.' 'But let's get real -- you care deeply what the world thinks,' says Mitali Saran.
Not only is your privacy stripped stark naked, says Mitali Saran, the system itself is illegal and vulnerable.
'The wonderful thing about being a liberal is that you can go ahead and be the very last one left standing.' 'So go ahead and fling social media faeces at us, tell us how irrelevant we are, and accuse us of opposing Modi to be cool,' says Mitali Saran.
There is going to be no defence of freedom of thought from this government.
'Watching American protesters get their act together so quickly and so forcefully only reminds me of all the resisting that Indians should have been doing for the last three years,' says Mitali Saran.
'We have not taught children their rights and responsibilities, nor life skills,' says Mitali Saran.
'It behoves us in India to watch how the US is pushing back.' 'It's a lesson in rising to the defence of Constitutional values when the administration won't,' says Mitali Saran.
'To enjoy the wilderness is to be rebooted to factory settings,' says Mitali Saran. 'Your eyes have to readjust their focal length from arm's length to way, way across the bank, where the stone-still slab of a crocodile lies snaggle-toothed in the sun, or to where a crested serpent eagle perches in a complication of light and shade, considering its options.'
'As I suspected, I had way, way too much clothing, which you would never know from what I actually wear,' says Mitali Saran.
'I pack my water, biscuits, books and tent, and take my place in the queues.' 'Every time I get close, cash runs out.' 'Deserted shops, my dry bank, the empty ATMs -- this entire gigantic shitstorm is now more real and easier to process,' says Mitali Saran.
'I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I know that everyone is behaving as if they've just discovered that their favourite grandfather is a peeping tom,' says Mitali Saran.
'That's the stunning achievement of two-and-a-half years of this government -- a political bait-and-switch, selling a promise of economic development, and delivering a triumphalist machine that sacralises country, nationalism, majoritarianism and tradition, to achieve Hindutva goals,' says Mitali Saran.
I'm a single Indian woman, I have unpredictable hours and overnight guests, I'm stubborn as a mule and I like practising the drums,' says Mitali Saran, who is house-hunting these days.